
Elektrikov, Kiev, 02876
Česká Republika

Ukrainian company Greenbacks LTD signs the preliminary contracts on supplying grains of amaranth 2013 harvest. Sort of Amaranth - Amaranth Ultra. Amaranth is grown in the Kiev region without usage of chemical treatment of the land and amaranth. Sale of grain amaranth can be performed directly from the field (harvesting in your car) and other options (from our warehouses in different packaging). We can make possible assistance in the processing of amaranth grain into flour or oil. We can supply on the terms EXW, FCA and etc. Sales head office:, 044-228-33-97 , 050-907-45-45 – Sergii Gonchenko Ukraine, Kiev, Elektrikiv str, 26,building 42. Skype: gonserg


  • +420 222 551 815 V pracovní dny 8:00 - 16:30

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